
What if my accident made an already existing injury worse?

It’s not unusual for someone to be less than ideal health before an accident occurs. What happens if an accident worsens an existing injury? It can cause complications, but should not stop you from obtaining fair compensation for your personal injury case. Types of pre-existing injuries or conditions There are many possibilities, but some of ...


Helmet Laws and Bicycle accidents

Helmets are the most essential and effective form of protection a rider on a motorcycle can use. Helmets can save lives by reducing the severity of head injuries during a traffic accident. Helmets saved 1,872 lives in 2017 and cost $24.5 billion in economic- and comprehensive costs. Motorcycle riders and passengers are required to wear safety helmets approved ...


Bankruptcy Checklists & Sample Forms

Consumers often get into financial trouble when they fail to take into account the consequences of their irresponsible spending. A plan is a good idea to help you save money and pay off your debts. These resources will assist you in setting up a budget and deciding which creditor to pay. Must Read: Bankruptcy Resources: Checklists ...


Who can file for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

To be eligible for Chapter 7, you must meet certain criteria. A Bankruptcy Court may convert your case to Chapter 13 bankruptcy if you do not meet the Chapter 7 requirements. There are two exceptions: Must Read: For disabled veterans who have been on active duty while serving, they can file for bankruptcy to get rid ...


United States Bankruptcy Courts

You will need to be familiar with the bankruptcy court in your area if you are considering filing for bankruptcy. These courts are run by the state and follow the bankruptcy laws of federal court. All bankruptcy cases will be handled by the bankruptcy court at your U.S. District Court. Must Read: a solicitor Finding Your Bankruptcy ...


What does Full Coverage Car Insurance Cover

Your car was damaged by a tree that fell on it during a storm. A tow truck is needed and a rental car is required. Your car also needs to be repaired/replaced. It’s time to contact your insurance company. It’s a good thing that you have comprehensive coverage for your car insurance. Or do you? ...